Laser Dentistry in Beaver dam, WI

What is Laser Dentistry?

By emitting a highly focused beam, dental lasers can remove or shape the tissue in your teeth and gums to treat hypersensitivity, tooth decay, gum disease, and more. This new technology replaces noisy, invasive drills and completes a wide range of procedures in just a single appointment. Lasers can make dental treatments efficient, cost-effective, and comfortable so you can start smiling again.

We are committed to providing patients with world-class dental technology for a seamless, efficient experience. That’s why we’re excited to offer laser dentistry, which allows us to perform a wide range of procedures, from simple cavity prepping to more complex surgeries. Patients can now experience a comfortable, quick, and pleasant treatment thanks to the laser dental tools. Call today to schedule a consultation at Beaver Dam Dental.

beaver dam laser dentistry

Did you know…

Laser dentistry was invented in the 1960s when scientists developed the ruby laser!

Ready to book your appointment?

Call (920) 887-1200

The Benefits of Laser Therapy

Minimally Invasive

The laser beam is so exact that most cases see a decreased need for sutures. Opting for a laser treatment also means you can avoid anxiety-inducing drills.

Anesthesia Free

Most procedures are painless and don’t require any anesthesia. By skipping numbing injections, the treatment is quicker and more comfortable for patients.

Faster Healing Time

Since the laser is minimally invasive and so precise, treatment is a relatively short process. Also, laser dentistry provides faster healing times with little to no bleeding from the procedure.

Common Laser Therapy Treatments

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Gum disease

We understand that it can be easy to fall behind on your at-home oral healthcare routine. When plaque and bacteria build up on the gum line, they can actually cause infection and inflammation. If not treated in time, this can lead to gingivitis and gum disease. Laser dentistry can treat gum disease by removing the unhealthy gum tissue and swiftly eliminating bacteria on the gums and in the roots of the teeth to restore gum health. Laser treatments as a form of periodontal care can help you maintain your oral health and preserve the natural beauty and strength of your smile.

Tooth decay removal

Lasers can quickly remove tooth decay to prepare tooth enamel for fillings. Similar to a traditional filling, your dentist will remove the decayed enamel and fill it with a durable dental resin. However, instead of using a loud, uncomfortable drill, your doctor will use a focused, non-contact laser light to penetrate the tooth surface, effectively removing bacteria and debris from the cavity. Since there is no drilling, you will likely not need to be numbed for the procedure. Plus, dental lasers are more precise than traditional tools which means that less of your natural enamel will need to be removed. This, in turn, ensures better outcomes and preserves the strength and health of your tooth.

Biopsies and lesion removal

Lasers can remove lesions and conduct biopsies effectively, all while ensuring the tissue remains intact. During your bi-annual oral exam, if your dentist notices any abnormalities or signs of oral cancer, they may recommend additional evaluation or treatment with a biopsy or lesion removal. The laser is so exact that little to no pain or bleeding occurs upon removal. By getting a laser biopsy or laser removal you can get peace of mind and get back to your day-to-day routine quicker.

Gum reshaping

For patients looking to cosmetically reshape their gums, lasers can gently remove gum tissue to create a more pleasing smile. The process of reshaping your gum line with laser treatment is a minimally invasive procedure that can be completed in one visit with our Beaver Dam cosmetic dentist. The laser gently removes tissue to create the desired shape and contour. Since the laser will cauterize the treated tissue and minimize bleeding, you will be able to show off your beautiful new smile right away!

Did you know…

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Laser dentistry is FDA approved and widely used in modern dental practices across America.

Ready to experience laser dentistry?

Call (920) 887-1200

Have questions about laser dentistry? Find answers here.

Is laser dentistry safe?

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Absolutely. Dental lasers are approved by the FDA and have been found to be completely safe when used by a trained dentist. Because the laser tool conducts such a precise procedure, there is a smaller chance of bacterial infection. This minimally invasive treatment also causes little to no bleeding for patients. When undergoing laser treatments, your dentist will take precautions to ensure your safety, just as they would with any other treatment. Since laser tools emit a powerful light, they will give you special protective glasses or goggles to shield your eyes. Laser dentistry is safer and more comfortable than many other traditional procedures.

Does laser dentistry hurt?

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No! Laser treatments are very comfortable and convenient. Plus, in most cases, you won’t need any anesthesia! Since laser dentistry does not involve physical contact with the tissue of your mouth, numbing agents aren’t usually required for patients. The laser pinpoint causes a cauterizing effect within the tissue, so there is typically very little bleeding after treatment. When patients receive anesthesia, they typically leave the office with that numb feeling still prevalent. With laser dentistry, you are able to go right out to lunch or back to work without that uncomfortable numb sensation following your appointment.

How long does a laser filling take?

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The length of your treatment will vary depending on the type of laser treatment you are receiving. However, in the case of laser dental fillings, laser treatments tend to be more efficient than traditional fillings. Since your doctor won’t have to wait for your mouth to be numb, they can get to work right away. A laser filling can take as little as 10-15 minutes or as long as half an hour. This will depend on the size and placement of the cavity. Your doctor will walk you through what to expect when developing your treatment plan so you can rest assured that you will stay informed every step of the way.

Are laser dental treatments more expensive?

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Since laser dentistry is still determined to be an elective treatment, most insurance plans do not cover laser treatments. It’s important to check with your provider to get a better understanding of your coverage and benefits. However, laser dental treatments are fairly comparable to other equivalent treatments, and because you may not need any anesthesia, they may be able to fit comfortably within your budget. The cost of treatment will vary based on your individual needs, so we recommend scheduling a consultation to get a more accurate cost estimate.

Did you know…

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Laser dentistry is effective for a variety of procedures including root canal therapy, fillings, gum grafts, and removal of lesions.

Ready to experience laser dentistry?

Call (920) 887-1200